Author/Editor     Poredoš, Pavel
Title     Predpisovanje zdravil starostnikom z vidika klinične medicine
Translated title     Prescribing of the medicines for the elderly from the viewpoint of the clinical medicine
Type     članek
Source     In: Mencelj M, editor. Uporaba zdravil v starosti. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 27-33
Language     slo
Abstract     Chronic diseases accumulate in the old age, therefore taking of at least one medications is reather a rule then an exception with the elderly. When prescribing the medications, we have to take into account certain psycho physical changes and consider them when treating with the medications, otherwise the useful effects can be eliminated by the side effects, which can also be in the form of serious clinical complications. We have to consider disturbances of metabolism of the medication, which can be a consequence of the changed structure of a older organism, a disturbed decomposition of the medication in the liver or ist reduced secretion through the kindeys due to a reduced functional reserve. Therefore it is necessary to reduce the dose ofthe medication,especially those with a narrow therapeutic width. This is especially important for the persons, who have, due to accompanying chronic diseases, the function of the organs crucial for the decomposition and secretion of the medications significantly affected. We have to adapt the dosage of the medication individually. For this we can utilise the determination of the concentration of the medication in plasma, and aslo the data about the degree affection of the kidney function and about an eventual liver injury can be of help. The treatment of the elderly with the medications is often complicated also due to the presence of mroe disease and hence the necessity of concurrent treatment of them all. We have to be aware, that we can not eliminate all the symptoms with the medications, therefore it makes sense to treat only the more important and treatable disease states, and limit the use of medications to the smallest possible number.(Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)