Author/Editor     Svetina, Matija
Title     Duševni, socialni in telesni razvoj predšolskega otroka
Translated title     Mental, social and physical development of preschool child
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3-4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 91-4
Language     slo
Abstract     A survey of preschool child development on mental, social and physical level is discussed in the contribution. We are focusing on those developmental specifics which are directly or indirectly linked with a greater probability of injuries in this period. Rough outlines of motor and speech development, survey and some main characteristics of cognitive development on preoperational stage and transition on concretely operational stage and related understanding of morals and death concept, which differ qualitatively from the concepts of an adult, and the development of motivation and interests, are presented. Preschool period is characterized by fast speech and understanding development and at the same time by concentration on concrete experiences, imagination, egocentrism and irreversibility of thinking, and behaviours linked with motor development and space exploration. Cognitive, moral, emotional, physical and social development are intertwined in the child behaviour and from a complex of characteristics and developmental tendencies, which are expressed as qualitatively different entities among children of different ages. Therefore, when judging probabilities of injuries and their mental correlates in a preschool child, characteristics of different periods as well as their inner mutual influences should be taken into consideration.
Summary     V prispevku obravnavamo pregled razvoja predšolskega otroka na duševnem, socialnem in telesnem razvoju. osredotočamo se na tiste zakonitosti razvoja, ki so posredno ali neposredno povezane z večjo verjetnostjo poškodb v tem obdobju. Podajamo grobe orise motoričnega in govornega razvoja, pregled in nekatere glavne značilnosti kognitivnega razvoja na predoperacionalni stopnji in prehodu na konkretno operacionalni stadij ter s tem povezano pojmovanje moralnosti in koncepta smrti, ki so kvalitativno različni od konceptov odraslega človeka, ter razvoj motivacije in interesov. Predšolsko obdobje označujejo hiter razvoj govora in razumevanja, hkrati pa osredotočenost na konkretne izkušnje, domišljijski svet, egocentrizem in nereverzibilnost v mišljenju, ter vedenja, ki so povezana z motoričnim razvojem in raziskovanjem prostora. Kognitivni, moralni, emocionalni, telesni in socialni razvoj se v vedenju otroka prepletajo in oblikujejo sklop značilnosti in razvojnih tendenc, ki se med različno starimi otroki kažejo kot kvalitativno različne celote. Pri presojanju verjetnosti poškodb pri predšolskem otroku in njihovih duševnih korelatov moramo zato upoštevati tako značilnosti različnih obdobij kakor njihove notranje medsebojne vplive.