Author/Editor     Ramšak, Ana
Title     Humano igrišče ali projekt otroku prijaznega igrišča
Translated title     Humane playground or a child friendly playground
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3-4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 139-41
Language     slo
Abstract     The everchanging role of nursery school has always been primarily based on the care about the safety of a child. Professional workers plan children's life as well as their playing in a sense of protection against possible injury, therefore the children are educated to be able to care for themselves. The more a child is to be relaxed, the more the playing should be organized and systematical. In fact, playing requires an adequate playground which has obviously not been considered by many nursery schools. Since the situation was the same in our nursey school, we started searching for the solution. First ideas about a different - humane playground developed in collaboration with designer Mrs. Vilina Hauser back in 1995. This resulted in the child friendly playground; its leading idea was to preserve and restore the already existing equipment, to insure as many green surfaces as possible and to avoid using concrete and iron materials. Ever since 1995 the playground has been gradually changing its image. There is no more concrete, and mud and dust have been replaced by bark and sand. Right in the city centre, in close neighbourhood of the nursery school an attractive, pleasant and green piece of nature has developed. Such a neat playground cultivates children and all its other users. This was the aim which we wanted to achieve together with children's safety.
Summary     Spreminjajoča se vloga vrtca je imela nekoč in ima tudi danes v svoji osnovi vedno prisotno skrb za otrokovo varnost. Strokovni delavci v vrtcih načrtujejo življenje in igro otrok tudi v smislu zaščite pred poškodbami, to pa zajema tudi vzgojo k previdnosti in skrb za lastno varnost. Bolj ko naj bo otrok sproščen, bolj mora biti premišljena in načrtovana organizacija igre. Za igro je potreben ustrezen igralni prostor, kar pa nekatera igrišča ob vrtcih niso. Tudi pri nas je bilo tako, zato smo iskali rešitve. Prve zamisli o drugačnem - humanem igrišču so se rodile v sodelovanju z oblikovalko Vilino Hauser že leta 1995. Nastal je projekt otroku prijaznega igrišča, katerega vodilo je bila ohranitev in obnova obstoječih igral, čim več zelenja in lesa ter čim manj betona in želesa. Vse od leta 1995 je igrišče počasi, a vztrajno dobivalo novo podobo. Izginjal je beton. Blato in prah smo nadomestili z lubjem in mivko. Sredi mesta je ob vrtcu vzniklil lep, zelen, za otroke vabljiv košček narave. urejeno igrišče kultivira tudi vse uporabnike. To je pa cilj, ki smo si ga poleg otrokove vrnosti pri humanem igrišču tudi zastavili.