Author/Editor     Babnik, A; Kobe, A; Kuzman, D; Bajsič, I; Možina, J
Title     Improved probe geometry for fluorescence-based fibre-optic temperature sensor
Type     članek
Source     Sensor Actuat A-phys
Vol. and No.     Letnik 57
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 203-7
Language     eng
Abstract     A fluoresecent fibre probe with high collection efficiency for fluorescence-lifetime measurements is presented. A numerical model for calculating the collection efficiency fordifferent probe designs has been employed. The position and number of fibres, crystal geometry, crystal-fibre gap and the backside crystal reflectivity are used as evaluation parameters for probe optimization. A possible three-fold increase in collected fluorescent light intensity is predicted in comparison with the classical two-fibre configuration. The model has been confirmed by constructing a seven-fibre probe with alexandrite crystal as the sensing element. An accuracy of +- 0.3. K is achieved in the 20-90 degrees C temperature range.
Descriptors     FIBER OPTICS