Avtor/Urednik     Rapaić, Dragan; Nedović, Goran; Zupanc, Vlasta
Naslov     Defektološka diagnostika cerebralno paraliziranih otrok
Prevedeni naslov     Defectological diagnostic of the cerebrally paralysed children
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bajc A, Bucik K, Janežič S, editors. Ustvarjalnost v logopediji. Zbornik prispevkov 6. strokovno srečanje logopedov Slovenije; 1999 apr 14-16; Nova Gorica. Vipava: Center za usposabljanje invalidnih otrok "Janka Premrla Vojka",
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 82-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Cerebral paralysis is a disorder caused by damage to the brain. According to the statistical data there is a substantial numer of children with cerebral paralysis. Cerebral paralysis is found in polyvalent forms with individual clinical picture, which also fits in other already known clinical pictures. Even today, children's cerebral paralysis is extremely complex medical problem, which extends itself first in the family and later in the society. During the schooling age it becomes educational problem and in adolescence it becomes a social one, too. The children with cerebral paralysis have numerous and complex difficulties. The most difficult and the most conspicuous ones are those of the muscle movement, cognition and speech. The contacts that children with cerebral paralysis establish with the people within their immediate and wider social environment are very much determined by the type of the brain damage. One of diagnostic approaches of the brain damage is the analysis of the two segments of their manifestation, the movement and the cognition segment.
Deskriptorji     CEREBRAL PALSY