Author/Editor     Zupanič, Ilka; Krump, Jasna
Title     Analiza štiriletnega dela po Valmod programu
Translated title     Analyse of 4 years work with Valmod programme
Type     članek
Source     In: Bajc A, Bucik K, Janežič S, editors. Ustvarjalnost v logopediji. Zbornik prispevkov 6. strokovno srečanje logopedov Slovenije; 1999 apr 14-16; Nova Gorica. Vipava: Center za usposabljanje invalidnih otrok "Janka Premrla Vojka",
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 159-64
Language     slo
Abstract     Every suttering is a problem in itself and it is extremely difficult to find a right and universial therapy - method to cure it, for all parties involved. Along with method of proven track record how to conquer this illnes, we are pleased that we have found another method that complements this so called Valmod programme which has so far shown in a relatively short space of time very promising results in patients life like situations. The therapy included in Valmod programme deals with all human functions and is based on a continous 12 day cycle. The results show according to the Center za sluh in govor a staggering good results. Percentage wise in 68% cases patients have acquired or regained their speech fluency in all situations of comunication whereby in 24% cases level of speech fluency was improved compare to that of entry level and in 8% cases the level of fluency remained unchanged and had no bearing to the therapy. The follow up shows that in most cases app. 1 year after therapy the aquired level of fluency has tendency of regress. This is forcing us into belief that the existing programme needs constant updating. The results immediately after the therapy are a proof that some individual patients wish therapeut's help can overcome this illness. To retain the acquired result it is vitaly important that the patient continously maintains and adhers to the programme on a continous basis in his/her own environement. This could be extremely difficult because it demands patients persistence, motivation and self management as well as maturity.
Descriptors     SPEECH THERAPY