Avtor/Urednik     Luzar, Boštjan; Ferlan-Marolt, Vera; Klopčič, Ulrika
Naslov     Tumours and tumour like lesions of the exocrine pancreas - our experience
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, Pavelić K, et al, editors. Proceedings of the International conference on diseases of pancreas, biliary tract and duodenum: day of dialogue in diagnostic dilemmas DDDD; 1999 May 7, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Institute of pathology Medical faculty university,
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 20-2
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In the retrospective study 54 tissue specimens obtained from pancreas were analysed. Tumour-like lesions were the most frequent pathological findings, observed in 34 of 54 cases of chronic pancreatitis. Among malignant tumours of the exocrine pancraas ductal adenocarcinoma was by far the most common type found in 17 of 20 cases. Since tumour-like lesions may be clinically mistaken for neoplastic growth pathohistological examination is of utmost importance for separation of these entities.
Deskriptorji     PANCREAS