Avtor/Urednik     Ferlan-Marolt, Vera; Luzar, Boštjan; Jerše, Maja
Naslov     Pathohistological survey of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the biliary system and ampulla of vater
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, Pavelić K, et al, editors. Proceedings of the International conference on diseases of pancreas, biliary tract and duodenum: day of dialogue in diagnostic dilemmas DDDD; 1999 May 7, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty university, Institute of pathology,
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 51-3
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Pathohistological findings of 72 biopsies obtained from the biliary tract and ampulla of Vater were retrospectively reviewed. Malignant tumours discovered in 34 tissue samples were the most frequently diagnosed lesions, followed by nonspecific inflammatory changes with fibrosis, superfitial necrosis and epithelial dysplasia. Presented in 47% of the examined cases a moderate incidence of carcinoma arising in this localization was revealed in the present analysis. Correct diagnosis required a detailed pathohistological differentiation.