Avtor/Urednik     Balažic, Jože; Kadiš, Peter; Jančigaj, Tomaž
Naslov     Traumatic lesions of the pancreas
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, Pavelić K, et al, editors. Proceedings of the International conference on diseases of pancreas, biliary tract and duodenum: day of dialogue in diagnostic dilemmas DDDD; 1999 May 7, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty university, Institute of pathology,
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 85-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     At the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana, we analysed all the autopsies performed on the cases of car accidents in a 10-year period from 1988 - 1998, comprising approximately autopsies a year. In this number, three cases of pancreatic injuries were discovered. Histological diagnosis of the examined pancreas confirmed huge bleeding in this organ presented as the consequence of trauma exclusively. No other accompanying diseases were found. In one of the cases, the patient died within twenty-four hours after the injury, and in two cases the patients died during their transport into a hospital. In the last two cases extensive lacerations existed with damaged pancreatic artery and massive haemorrhage into the peritoneal cavity. In one of the cases, duodenum and the stomach were also injured. In all of the presented cases, the cause of the injury was the action of a blunt force of being struck in the front abdominal wall at the height of the navel. In one of the cases, the injured person was the driver and in the other two cases the fellow-traveller in a motor vehicle.
Deskriptorji     PANCREAS