Author/Editor     Leonardi, Michele; D'Amico, Moreno; Roncoletta, Piero
Title     Analysis of standing balance measurements
Type     članek
Source     In: Kononenko I, Urbančič T, editors. CADAM-97. Zbornik Računalniška analiza medicinskih podatkov; 1997 nov 12; Bled. Ljubljana: Inštitut Jožef Stefan,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 107-18
Language     eng
Abstract     Measurements of pastural sway are used to determine a person's ability to maintain upright stance. In many clinical analyses, postural control measured during a quiet stance provides very useful insights about CNS and Motor control behavior. The aim of this paper is to describe a set of new parameters extraction in order to fully extend the evaluation and biomechanical characteristics description of posture by taking into account both dynamic and kinematic measurements. Several methods for the parameters extractions are described and experimental results are presented.
Descriptors     POSTURE