Author/Editor     Gamse, Jožica
Title     Nemendikamentozni ukrepi pri demenci
Translated title     Non-medicamental measures in dementia
Type     članek
Source     In: Kogoj A, editor. Zdravljenje demenc: depresija in motnje spoznavnih sposobnost. Zbornik prispevkov 1. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 1998 nov 27-28; Kranjska Gora. Ljubljana: Združenje za pomoč pri demenci,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 36-42
Language     slo
Abstract     Due to the decline of all higher mental functions, patients with the dementia syndrome are no longer capable of living independently. It is important to preserve their mental as well as physical functioning with stimulating them to perform various activities. These activities are intellectual, physical and combined. Levels of these activities are versatile and can be suited to each patient, taking into account the severity of the dementia. When a patient suffers from severe dementia, his/hers activities are minimised or practically non-existent. In this stage patients should be approached through touch, smells and sounds. There are numerous methods i.e. therapeutic techniques to be employed in patients with dementia. Validation by Naomi Feil is a method that represents a possibility of communication between patients, relatives and professionals. Comprehension and understanding of dementia and the problems that it brings will help us establish a better relationship between patients, relatives and professionals.
Descriptors     DEMENTIA