Author/Editor     Grad, Anton
Title     Vaskularna demenca
Translated title     Vascular dementia
Type     članek
Source     In: Kogoj A, editor. Zdravljenje demenc: depresija in motnje spoznavnih sposobnost. Zbornik prispevkov 1. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 1998 nov 27-28; Kranjska Gora. Ljubljana: Združenje za pomoč pri demenci,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 43-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Vascular dementia is defined as a clinical syndrome of acquired impairment of intellectual function resulting from brain injury due to cerebrovascular disorder. It is estimated that 5 - 10% of patients with dementia and 15.6 - 26.8% of patients with cerebrovascular disorder, respectively, suffer from vascular dementia. Clinical state depends on the anatomic localization of the lesion(s) divided into cortical and subcortical syndromes, focal and multifocal infarctions. Vascular dementia can be classified into following subtypes: multi-infarct dementia, single-infarct dementia, border-zone dementia, lacunar dementia, white-matter dementia, cerebral amy- loid angiopathy dementia. No specific treatment is known, thus secondary prevention of the cerebrovascular disorder is important.
Descriptors     DEMENTIA, VASCULAR