Author/Editor     Popovski, Marjetka
Title     Osebna izpoved oskrbovanke
Translated title     A personal disclosure of an inmate
Type     članek
Source     In: Fuchs T, Rihtar A, Rotner E, editors. Novo tisočletje - izziv za polnejšo starost. Zbornik 5. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 1999 maj 6-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zbornica fizioterapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 130
Language     slo
Abstract     In this paper the authoress elucidates the problems which senior citizens meet with when they want to enter an old peoples home. It is difficult to accept a new way of life in a strange environment. In these first days, when newcomers have to accustom themselves to a new life, our tratment is the most important. The different ways in wich all of us, employed to help senior citizens, can contribute to the better quality of life in old age are well documented by a videorecording. Senior citizens' psychical and physical activities concern the whole staff who try to give them the best treatment, specially during their accustoming period. The tasks of the employees are to minimize senior' infliction and to recover their life abilities. This is the life among the strangers which causes the number of dificulties in their psychical and vitaly functions, aswell. The life in Old People's Home must not be a menace to them. A lot of activities are available to bring their mind in the harmony with their new life. Organizing some seminars, group or individual recreation, meetings and celebrations etc. helps them to get used to a new reality.
Descriptors     HOMES FOR THE AGED