Avtor/Urednik     Mavri, Urška; Toman, Mihael J
Naslov     Preliminary limnological investigation of the Divje jezero spring near Idrija
Prevedeni naslov     Preliminarne limnološke raziskave Divjega jezera pri Idriji
Tip     članek
Vir     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. in št.     Letnik 42, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 39-56
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Limological investigations of the Divje jezero spring (Savage Lake), a type of karstic Vauclusian spring, were performed between January and July 1996. The aim of our study was to determine physical and chemical parameters in the limnocrene hasin and to investigate spring communities. Four different sampling points were selected in the littoral area and samples were collected to determine the species composition, abundance, and changes in the macrozoobenthic community. In the central part of the spring, the Eckman grab was used to sample sand sediment. Drift from the spring was also sampled occasionally to determine taxa composition and the number of drifting organisms. Plankton was collected using a plankton net with mesh size of 40 micro m. Phytoplankton and zooplankton taxa were examined and chlorophyll a content was determined. Physico-chemical results have shown well oxygenated water (between 87-106%) in the basin with rather constant temperature (8.6 degree C in January and 10.I degree C in July, respectively). The concentration of total phosphorus and nitrates was very low with evident seasonal changes. Forty-two groups were present with a rather low abundance in the littoral and central part of the basin (890-3465 individuals per m2 and 380-635 individuals per rn2, respectively). The dominant taxa in the littoral area were gastropods with the most abundant species Sadleriana fluminensis, while in the sand sediments oligochaets were dominant. Diatoms were the dominant primary producers in the basin, and some filamentous green algae were also present. Phyto- and zooplankton species were scarce.
Deskriptorji     FRESH WATER