Avtor/Urednik     Havliček, Tomo; Bon, Jurij
Naslov     Psihopatologija duševno manj razvitih otrok
Prevedeni naslov     Psychopathology of children with mental retardation
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 38, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 29-47
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The issue of mental health in children with mental retardation began to be addressed more closely affer the recent introduction of the term "dual diagnosis", denoting the coincidence of mental illness and mental retardation. At present, there is still much vagueness regarding the recognition of mental illness, possible causes and factors influencing the development of mental illness and the medical treatment used. The aim of the study was a) to determine possible differences in physical and social characteristics between children with mental retardation and those without intellectual disabilities, b) to investigate the impact of various demographic, physical and social factors on the level of mental retardation, c) to determine the incidence of mental illnesses among children with mental retardation and the affects of demographic, physical and social factors on these illnesses. Our study in volved 46 children with mental retardation and 50 children without intellectual disabilities. Signs of emotional and behavioural disturbances were identified using the Developmental Behaviour Checklists completed by class teachers. The results of the study have confirmed the value of Developmental Behaviour Checklist for clinical work and research. The correlations observed speak for the coincidence and interdependence of physical occurrences, social influences, mental retardation and mental illness in the child's development.
Izvleček     Izvleček. Vprašanje duševnega zdravja duševno manj razvitih otrok se postavlja v ospredje v zadnjih dvajsetih letih, ko pričenjamo govoriti o "dvojni diagnozi", torej soobstajanju duševnih motenj in duševne manjrazvitosti. Zaradi relativne nerazvitosti področja ostaja še veliko nejasnosti na področjih razpoznave duševnih motenj, njihovih vzrokov, dejavnikov, ki vplivajo nanje, ter njihove zdravstvene obravnave. V raziskavi smo poskušali ugotoviti, ali se duševno manj razviti otroci po svojih telesnih in socialnih značilnostih razlikujejo od duševno ustrezno razvitih otrok. Obenem so nas zanimali vplivi različnih demografskih, telesnih in socialnih dejavnikov na stopnje duševne manjrazvitosti in na pojavljanje duševnih motenj pri njih. V raziskavo smo vključili 46 duševno manj razvitih otrok in 50 duševno ustrezno razvitih otrok. Znake duševnih motenj smo pri duševno manj razvitih otrocih iskali z uporabo vprašalnika Developmental Behavior Checklist, ki so ga izpolnjevali razredni učitelji otrok. Rezultati potrjujejo klinično in raziskovalno uporabnost vprašalnika, ugotovljene povezave pa nakazujejo sočasnost in soodvisnost telesnih dogajanj, socialnih vplivov, duševne manjrazvitosti in duševnih motenj tako v razvoju kot v sedanjem zdravstvenem stanju otrok.