Avtor/Urednik     Kramberger, M
Naslov     Strokovni sestanki slovenskih in hrvaških medicinskih biokemikov med 1979 in 1995
Prevedeni naslov     Experts meetings of Slovenian and Croatian medical biochemists between 1979 and 1995
Tip     članek
Vir     Farm Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 49, št. Poseb {t
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 327-35
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     So far, the biochemists of Slovenia and Croatia have met at fourteen experts meetings; the last one, the fourteenth, was held in June this year in Podčetrtek, in the neighbouring atomic spa. In the late 70's, these meetings became traditional. The first ten meetings had a work title "Intersectional Meeting", while the eleventh outgrew the national level and became an "International Symposium". Each meeting was organized by a joint Organizing Committee, established specifcally for this occasion and, from the twelfth meeting onwards, a Scientific Committee is also regularly participating in the preparations. Each meeting was concentrated upon one or several questions. A plenary lecture or several review lectures were usually followed by a number of oral presentations of the participants' experiences and their most recent findings in the field of practical and research work referring to the selected theme. Poster sessions were open to the presentations of the selected theme or presented the topics of free choice. The first part of the article describes how the idea of traditional meetings was born, what is the aim of these meetings as well as some general characteristics, while the second part which is more complex, gives a chronological report on themes and lecturers as they appeared in the first thirteen meetings.
Izvleček     Do letošnjega leta smo se medicinski biokemiki Slovenije in Hrvaške trinajstkrat srečali na skupnem strokovnem sestanku in letos v juniju štirinajstič, tokrat v Atomskih toplicah pri Podčetrtku. Ta tradicija se je začela konec sedemdesetih lel. Prvih deset srečanj je imelo delovni naslov intersekcijski sestanek, od enajstega naprej pa mednarodni simpozij. Vsako druženje je pripravil skupni, za to priližnost izbrani organizacijski odbor, od dvanajstega naprej tudi strokovni (znanstveni) odbor. Na posameznem srečanju smo poglobljeno in zaokroženo obdelali eno ali več izbranih tem. Uvodnemu predavanju ali več preglednim predavanjem so sledili prispevki s tehtnimi, med strokovnim in raziskovalnim delom pridobljenimi izkušnjami in spoznanji o izbrani problematiki. V posterski sekciji je bilo možno sodelovati v okviru izbrane teme ali s prosto temo. V prvem delu pričujočega članka pojasnimo, kako je do ideje o srečanjih prišlo, ter povemo o njihovem namenu in splošnih značilnostih. V drugem, obsežnejšem delu pa objavljamo kronološki pregled tem in predavateljev na prvih trinajstih skupnih srečanjih.