Author/Editor     Kovač, Miha
Title     Ukrepi na terenu pri bolniku z akutno možgansko kapjo
Translated title     Management of acute stroke in pre-hospital setting
Type     članek
Source     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 5. Zbornik 6. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 1999 jun 16-19; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 283-88
Language     slo
Abstract     In 1998, prehospital emergency doctors of the Ljubljana Medical Centre treated 175 patients diagnosed with a transient ischaemic attack and 497 patients diagnosed with cerebrovascular insult. With the introduction of trombolitic medication the treatment of a stroke became very similar to the treatment of the heart attack. Between the ischaemic core and the normally perfused brain tissue is an area of compromized but salvageable tissue in a zone of reduced blood flow - the penumbra. The penumbra is viable for up to several hours after the onset of a stroke, and progressive cell death occurs if the penumbra is not rescued by reperfusion or neuroprotective measures started during the early hours following occlusion. Despite frequent complications (bleedings) the results are favourable and force us to reflect the treatment of a stroke from a different aspect. The therapeutic window is extremely narrow, there are only three hours on disposal for a successful use of trombolitics. Every link in the chain of survival must be optimal. The patient and his or her relatives should recognise the symptoms of the stroke immediately and activate pre-hospital emergency units which must react right away and, after having given full pre- hospital care, hand the patient over to the admitting neurologist. The neurologist must use all necessary diagnostic methods, including the CT and, providing that all conditions are fulfilled, apply trombolitic medication. At present this chain still has many weak links. It will probably be easier and faster to strengthen the prehospital treatment since already now the field care of a patient with a stroke practically doesn't differ from the indicated directions.