Author/Editor     Fink, Andrej
Title     Priprave Reševalne postaje Ljubljana na množično nesrečo
Translated title     Preparations of Ljubljana Ambulance service for mass-casualty situations
Type     članek
Source     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 5. Zbornik 6. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 1999 jun 16-19; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 481-86
Language     slo
Abstract     We learned from the past history of Ljubljana Ambulance Service that is a great potential hazard for mass-casualty accidents to happen on our terrain. If we let out the 1966 aircraft accident at Brnik airport that happened on Kranj Ambulance territory then we can mention some of the biggest mass-casualty accidents in the last 30 years on our territory: 1970 railroad accident - 11 deaths, 20 severely injured and a lot of minor injuries,1972 railroad accident -1 death,10 severely injured and a lot of minor injuries, 1989 Ljubljana city motor vehicle accident - 9 trapped per- sons, 2 of them dies during rescue with others severely injured and 1990 bus acci- dent -1 death, 4 severely injured and 20 minor injuries. All these years after those accidents we wandered when and where could next mass-casualty accident happened and how many casualties could we expect. The major question is still actual: are we really ready to deal with that kind of emergency situations. Ljubljana Ambulance Service used to have a spare emergency equipment which was stored at our station without any control or specifications lists. At the same time we analyzed our mass-casualty plans and find out that they are inappropriate and out dated. The second conclusion was that we do not have enough personal and material resources for adequate planing. So for that reasons we have got connected with other emergency care providers in Ljubljana like Fire Department and City Search and Rescue Department. Our working group redefined a meaning of a mass casualty accident. After 6 months intensive analyses and planing we formed and finished a project: Mass casualty pack. Mass casualty pack contains emergency equipment for accidents with up to 50 injured persons.