Author/Editor     Avsec, Andreja
Title     Konstrukt sheme v kognitivni psihologiji
Translated title     The construction of a scheme in cognitive psychology
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 1-3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 233-46
Language     slo
Abstract     Within the framework of cognitive psychology one of the most important and still not enough researched subject is the question about how the complex structures of knowledge are constituted and how they are functioning. For the present, the construction of a scheme turns to be the most successful in the explanation of these structures. The development of the construction goes back to 1932, when Bartlett introduced this term as a structure of knowledge. Because of the differences in metatheoretical foundations between Barlett's theory and the theory of that time as well as the later American psychology (phenomenology and behaviourism), there was a more than 40 years long break in the study of cognitive scemes. From 1975 onwards, however, the scheme was again in the focus of the research in cognitive psychology. It finds its place in both informational-processual approach and connectionism. Outside cognitive psychology the construction of a scheme domesticated itself above all in social psychology.
Descriptors     COGNITION