Author/Editor     Hoyer, Silvestra
Title     Zdravstvena vzgoja in promocija dojenja, pregled programov v literaturi
Translated title     Health education and promotion of breast feeding, the survey of programmes in literature
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 5-6
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 194-8
Language     slo
Abstract     For children's health it is very important that all the mothers breast-feed their babies from the begining, and do so for 4-6 months without supplement food and then continue with brest- feeding one year or more according to their decision. Throughout the world and with us we are restoring the breast-feeding through knowledge, research work, health education and health promotion. Article deals with different approaches for the restoring of breast- feeding as the tradition has long been abandoned. Authoa have focused on very different domains, especially those which have been found to be deficient in a defined area. Thus some programmes are directed towards education of health workers, regulation of legislation and the promotion of breast-feeding culture in the area.
Summary     Za zdravje otrok je izredno pomembno, da vse matere pričnejo dojiti, da dojijo 4-6 mesecev brez dodatkov nato pa to nadaljujejo eno leto ali več, kakor se odločita mati in otrok. V svetu in pri nas se vračamo k dojenju preko znanja, raziskovalnega dela, zdravstvene vzgoje in promocije zdravja. Ćlanek predstavlja različne pristope, kako se vrniti k dojenju, saj tradicije na tem področju ni več. Avtorji so se osredotočili na zelo različna področja, predvsem tista, ki so se pokazala v določenem prostoru pomanjkljiva. Tako so nekateri programi usmerjeni v izobraževanje in vzgojo mater, drugi v izobraževanje zdravstvenih delavcev, nadalje v urejanje zakonodaje, dvigu kulture dojenja v prostoru.
Descriptors     BREAST FEEDING