Author/Editor     Kofol-Seliger, Andreja; Cegnar, Tanja
Title     Meritve koncentracije alergogenega cvetnega prahu
Translated title     Measurements of pollen concentration
Type     članek
Source     Meseč Bilt - Hidrometeorol Zavod R Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 6, št. 7
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 60-2
Language     slo
Abstract     In July the mayor part of the airborne pollen (about 52% in Ljubljana and 56% in Koper) consists of pollen from nettle family. Grass. In July the peak of the grass pollen season was over, the concentration in Ljubljana first eight days exceeded 25 pollen grains/m3, the rest of the month, the counts were lower than 16 pollen grains/m3. In Koper except July 6 the concentration of the grass pollen was lower than 15 pollen grains/m3. (Figure 6.2). Weeds. At the coast region in Koper the pelitory pollen was around in the air all month. The highest counts were in three last days in July, when they exceeded 100 pollen grains/m3. The plantain and Chenopodiaceae pollen was around in the air in very low concentrations all month. In Ljubljana the pollen of the mugwort started to appear in the air on July 17 in Koper on July 28. The counts were low (Figure 6.6.). Trees. The sweet chestnut pollen was all month round in the air. The highest concentration was on the July 1st: in Ljubljana 87 pollen grains/m3 and 37 pollen grains/m3 in Koper. In the rest of the month the concentration was lower (Figure 6.4).
Descriptors     GRASSES