Author/Editor     Sinkovič, Andreja
Title     Razlike v zgodnji bolnišnični umrljivosti med spoloma pri bolnikih z akutnim infarktom srca
Translated title     Gender-related diferences in early in-hospital mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. 7-8
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 425-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Acute myocardial infarction (AMIj is more frequent in men than in women, but women have higher early in-hospital mortality compared to men, mainly due to their older age. Causes of early in-hospital deaths are similar between thegenders. Patients and methods. Out of 73 patients with AMI 251 were men and 122 women (p < 0.05). Mean age for men was 60.6+-11.8 years and 69.44+-22.0 years for women (p <0.05). During 21 days of in-hospital treatment gender-related differences in early in-hospital mortality were registrated according to age groups and the causes of death. Results. In different age groups, AMI was significantly more frequent in men younger than 60 years and in women over 70 years. Early in-hospital mortality of our patients with AMI was 21.2%,17.3% for men and 29.5% for women. In different age groups, early in-hospital mortality of women was significantly higher only in the seventh decade of life. Heart failure was the leading cause of death, but between the genders, there were no statistically significant differences in the causes of early in-hospital death (p >0,05). Conclusions. 32.7% of our patients with AMI were women, who were in average about 9 years older than men. Their early in-hospital mortality was significantly higher than that of men. With older age, AMI was more frequent in women. Like in men, heart failure was the leading cause of death.
Summary     Akutni infarkt srca (AIS) je pogostejši pri moških kot ženskah, vendar je zgodnja umrljivost žensk z AIS višja, predvsem zaradi njihove višje starosti. Med spoloma ni razlik v vzrokih za zgodnjo smrt. Bolniki in metode. Od 373 bolnikov z AIS je bilo 251 moških in 122 žensk (p < 0.05). Povprečna starost moških je bila 60,6+-11,8 leta, žensk pa 69,44+-22,0 leta (p <0,05). Ugotovljena je bila zgodnja umrljivost bolnikov po spolu in starostnih skupinah ter glede na vzrok smrti. Rezultati. Glede na starostje bil AIS pogostejši pri moških samo do 60. leta starosti, po 70. letu starosti pa pri ženskah (p < 0,05). Zgodnja umrljivost bolnikov z AIS je bila 21,2%, 17,3% za mmoške in 29,5% za ženske (p < 0,05). Po starostnih skupinah je bila umrljivost žensk statistično pomembno višja samo v osmem desetletju starosti. Odpoved srca je bila vodilni vzrok smrti. Med spoloma ni bilo pomembnih statističnih razlik v vzrokih smrti (p > 0,05). Zaključki. 32, 7% bolnikov z AIS je bilo žensk, ki so bile povprečno okrog 9 let starejše od moških, njihova zgodnja umrljivost pa je bila višja kot pri moških. Z višjo starostjo je bilo več žensk zdravljenih zaradi AIS. Vodilni vzrok smrti bolnikov je bila odpoved srca. Med spoloma ni bilo razlik v vzrokih smrti.