Author/Editor     Albreht, Tit; Paulin, Mojca
Title     National health care providers' database (NHCPD) of Slovenia - information technology solution for health care planning and management
Type     članek
Source     In: Kokol P, Zupan B, Stare J, et al, editors. Medical informatics Europe '99. Amsterdam: IOS press,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 165-70
Language     eng
Abstract     Introduction: The article describes the possibilities of planning of the health care providers' network enabled by the use of information technology. The comerstone of such planning is the development and establishment of a quality database on health care providers, health care professionals and their employment statuses. Material and Methods: Based on the analysis of information needs, a new database was developed for various users in health care delivery as well as for those in health insurance. The method of information engineering was used in the standard four steps of the information system construction, while the whole project was run in accordance with the principles of two intemationally approved project management methods. Special attention was dedicated to a carefull analysis of the users' requirements and we believe the latter to be fixlfilled to a very large degree. Results: The new NHCPD is a relational database which is set up in two important state institutions, the National Institute of Public Health and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. The former is responsible for updating the database, while the latter is responsibte for the technological side as well as for the implementation of data security and protection. NHCPD will be inter linked with several other existing applications in the area of health care, public health and health insurance. Several important state institutions and professional chambers are users of the database in question, thus integrating various aspects of the health care system in Slovenia. Conclusions: The setting up of a completely revised health care providers' database in Slovenia is an important step in the development of a uniform and integrated information system that would support top decision-making processes at the national level.
Descriptors     INSURANCE, HEALTH