Avtor/Urednik     Smrke, Dragica; Cerkvenik, Gregor; Piškur-Kosmač, Dunja; Stankovski, Vlado
Naslov     The hip status: a telemedical application
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kokol P, Zupan B, Stare J, et al, editors. Medical informatics Europe '99. Amsterdam: IOS press,
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 241-44
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Biomedical informatics and biomedical engineering are interdisciplinary sciences that are growing fast and have a significant impact on healhcare delivery. The University Medical Centre in Ljubljana and the Medical Faculty through its institutes have initiated the building of their own telemedicine systems. These systems concern only the medical informatics field. However, in this work a telemedical application that uses a combination of biomedical engineering methods and methods of biomedical informatics is presented. This telemedical application was built at the Department of Surgery and it was named "The Hip Status Application". Its aims are to provide services of preventive medicine and health promotion for people with potential problems with the hip-joint, guidance for people that have already underwent an operation of implantation of hip endoprosthesis, or have in any other wey affected hip-joints, remote system consultation for diagnostic purposes, etc. The application is still under evaluation, and it is meant as a start of a new era of engineering-powered telemedical applications at the Department of Surgery following the trends in the most developed countries of the World.
Deskriptorji     HIP PROSTHESIS