Author/Editor     Gornik, Tomaž; Orel, Andrej; Roblek, Dominik; Verhovšek, Roman
Title     Computerised patient record with distributed objects
Type     članek
Source     In: Kokol P, Zupan B, Stare J, et al, editors. Medical informatics Europe '99. Amsterdam: IOS press,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 842-46
Language     eng
Abstract     The vast spectrum of information and functionality requirements imposed on a Computerised Patient Record (CPR), fuelled by an ever changing and expanding business model demands information system interoperability. The management of information, created across the continuum of care, and associated information system functionality, can not be provided by data interchange to and from monolithic applications. WebDoctor is a Computerised Patient Record (CPR) which is fully used at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana, Slovenia - a hospital with 500 beds and more than 200 users, all of them medical professionals. The data are stored in an underlying Oracle hospital data base. For logging the username and password security is used. WebDoctor uses Internationalisation APIs. Currently GUI is currently written in Slovenian language, but can be easily adapted to any other language. It is available in either Metal or Windows look. Search for patients is based on CPR No. or partial data from demographics. All the available patients data can be found on a single screen divided into several tab sections. The tab sections cover general and speciality data. The general data include demographics, admissions and diagnoses, meanwhile the speciality data are divided into Labs where data are represented numerically by date or by type and graphically with the ability of detailed view in separate window, Radiology where results are represented in textual form as well as pictures together with a special viewer to provide detailed analyses and Radioisotopes where results are also being represented in textual form together with a graphical representation. WebDoctor is running on virtually any platform. It achieved the 100% Java Certification which places the application among the firsts if not the first of this kind in the healthcare industry. It excels with a small and light client which doesn't exceed the150K.