Avtor/Urednik     Čufer, T; Lazarev, A; El-Ghamrawy, K; Doval, D; Vrba, Z; Shah, P; Kurtova, A; Ghilezan, N; Chalofti, I; Blanc, C
Naslov     Preliminary data of a phase II trial of taxotere (TXT) 100 or 75 mg/m2 as 2nd line chemotherapy (CT) in patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with stratification according to prognosis factors
Tip     članek
Vir     Ann Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 9, št. Suppl 4
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 17
Jezik     eng
Deskriptorji     BREAST NEOPLASMS