Author/Editor     Takač, Iztok
Title     Vloga napovednih dejavnikov pri raku dojk
Translated title     The role of prognostic factors in breast cancer
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 3-4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 133-228
Abstract     Presented are the factors used in planning breast cancer treatment and prognosing the course of disease at the present level of scientific development. The most significant independent prognostic factor is the presence or absence of malignant cells in regional lymph nodes. Affected lymph nodes at higher levels, their number and size as well as the penetration of malignant cells through the capsule all decrease the chance of survival. Factors relating to the tumor and on which the fate of the patient depends to a great extent are its size, histologic type and maturity. The penetration of malignant cells into lymph and blood vessels of the breast as well as tumor necrosis are prognostic factors of unfavorable progress of the disease. Steroid hormone receptors in the tumor simplify the choice of later systemic treatment. Poor outcome of the disease is also prognosed by intensive growth of malignant cells, the presence of epidermal growth factor receptors, of the oncogen c-erb B-2 and some proteases.
Summary     Predstavljeni so dejavniki, ki jih na današnji stopnji razvoja znanosti uporabljamo pri načrtovanju zdravljenja raka dojk in predvidevanju poteka bolezni. Najpomembnejši samostojni napovedni dejavnik so maligne celice v področnih bezgavkah. Prizadetost višje ravni bezgavk, njihovo število in velikost ter prodor malignih celic skozi ovojnico manjša verjetnost preživetja. Dejavniki, ki se nanašajo na tumor in od katerih je v veliki meri odvisna usoda bolnice, so njegova velikost, histološki tip in zrelost. Prodor malignih celic v limfne in krvne žile dojke ter nekroza tumorja napovedujejo neugoden potek bolezni. Receptorji steroidnih hormonov v tumorju nam olajšajo izbiro kasnejšega sistemskega zdravljenja. Neugoden izid bolezni napovedujejo tudi intenzivna rast malignih celic, prisotnost receptorjev epidermalnega rastnega faktorja, onkogena c-erb B-2 in nekaterih proteaz.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS