Author/Editor     Sajovic, Matjaž; Vengust, Vilibald; Kotnik, Marko; Fokter, Samo K
Title     Operativno zdravljenje izrazite rotacijske kolenske nestabilnosti, povezane s poškodbo sprednje križne vezi
Translated title     Operative treatment of the excessive rotatory instability of the anterior cruciate ligament defficient knee
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. I-5-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Excessive rotatory instability of the knee joint is a result of co-incidental injury of the anterior cruciate ligament and posterior capsuloligamentar structures. The patients with such disabling rotatory instability of the knee have been unable to perform sports activities, but also had problems during day-to-day activities. This retrospective study was designed to clarify indication for operative procedure and to evaluate the postoperative results. Methods. from 1992 to 1996 we have performed 260 anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions with central third of the patellar tendon. In 23 patients (9%), we found disabling rotatory instability and have performed additional extra-articular reconstruction of the posterolateral corner with tractus iliotibialis. Results. Success of operative treatment was evaluated using the standardised objective (clinical evaluation, KLT arthrometer measurements, X-rays) and subjective (100-pts. qiestionnaire) factors. In 95% of the cases the results were good and excellent, but in one case (5%) ther result was unsatisfactory. Conclusions. Combined intra-articular and extra-articular recnstruction is an extensive procedure, but goos choice of operative treatment in excessive rotatory instability of the anterior cruciate ligament deficient knee.
Summary     Izhodišča. Globalna rotacijska nestabilnost kolneskega sklepa je posledica sočasne poškodbe sprednje križne vezi in posteriornih kapsuloligamentarnih struktur. Omenjena nestabilnost poškodovancu onemogoča športno-rekreativno dejavnost in je moteča tudi pri povsem enostavnih aktivnostih. S pričujočo retrospektivno študijo smo želeli prikazati indikacije za operativni poseg in ovrednotiti pooperativne rezultate. Metode. V letih of 1992 do 1996 smo opravili 260 rekonstrukcij sprednje križne vezi s srednjo tretjino patelarne teteive. Pri 23 poškodovancih (9%) smo klinično ugotovili izrazito rotacijsko nestabilnost kolenskega sklepa in sočasno izvedli rekonstrukcijo posterolateralnih struktur s pomočjo iliotibialnega traktusa. Rezultati. Uspešnost operativnega zdravljenja smo ocenili s pomočjo standardiziranih objektivnih (klinični pregled, meritve s KLT artrometrom, RTG) in subjektivnih (100-točkovni vprašalnik) dejavnikov. V 95% smo dosegli dober in le v enem primeru (5%) nezadovoljiv rezultat. Zaključki. Naši rezultati kažejo, da jerazširjen operativni poseg, v smislu intra-artikularne rekonstrukcije sprednje križne vezi in ekstra-artikularne rekonstrukcije sprednje križne vezi in ekstra-artikularne rekonstrukcije posterolateralnih struktur ustrezen pristop k zdravljenju globalne nestabilnosti kolenskega sklepa.
Descriptors     KNEE INJURIES