Author/Editor     Juntes, P; Pogačnik, M; Curk, A
Title     Vrednotenje proliferacijske aktivnosti tumorjev mlečne žleze pri psicah z določanjem števila celic v mitozi in celic, imunoreaktivnih na PCNA
Translated title     Evaluation of proliferative activity of the mammary gland tumours in dogs with the number of mitoses and the number of PCNA immunoreactive cells
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 43-56
Language     slo
Abstract     Activity of the cell protein PCNA (proliferative cell nucelar antigen) which was used as a marker of cell proliferation, and the number of mitoses were assessed in different mammary gland tumours of a dog. PCNA was detected immunohistochemically (clone PClO, Dako), and mitoses with the method of mitotic activity index (MAI). Tumours were divided in five groups: malignant gland tumours (carcinomas, adenocarcinomas) of simple and complex type, benign tumours, dysplasias and other tumours. No significant differences were found between the ratio of PCNA immunoreactive cells between groups. Distribution of PCNA positive cells was not dependent on the type of tumour. Reactivity was often stronger in the tumour surroundings than in tumour itself. Positive correlation between the PCNA positive cells and the number of cells in mitosis was found only in complex type adenocarcinomas.
Summary     Primerjali smo aktivnost celičnega proteina PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) in število mitoz v različnih tumorjih mlečne žleze pri psicah. PCNA (klon PC10, Dako) smo določali imunohistokemično, mitoze pa z indeksom mitotične aktivnosti (MAI). Tumorje smo razdelili v pet skupin: maligne žlezne tumorje (karcinomi, adenokarcinomi) enostavnega in kompleksnega tipa, benigne tumorje, displazije in druge tumorje. V deležu celic imunoreaktivnih na PCNA, nismo ugotovili značilnih razlik. Razporeditev celic, pozitivnih na PCNA, je bila največkrat neodvisna od vrste tumorja. Reakcija je bila pogosto močnejša v okolici tumorja kot v njem samem. Le pri adenokarcinomih kompleksnega tipa smo ugotovili pozitivno korelacijo aktivnosti med številom celic, pozitivnih na PCNA, in številom mitoz.