Avtor/Urednik     Kotnik, Primož
Naslov     Vpliv protivnetnega zdravljenja z glukokortikosteroidi na število in težo okužb dihal pri otrocih z astmo
Prevedeni naslov     Influence of anti-inflammatory therapy with glucocorticosteroids on the frequency and severity of respiratory infections in children with asthma
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 38, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 167-92
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Abstract. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease. Anti-inflammatory therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids is considered the most effective long-term therapy for moderate and severe forms of chronic asthma. Side effects constitute the only limitation of this therapy. The purpose of our study was to find out whet- her long-term administration of inhaled glucocorticosteroids for asthma has an imunosupresive side effect. We studied the frequency and severity of respiratory infections in asthmatic children treated with long-term inhaled glucocorticosteroids and in children with asthma receiving no such therapy. Our hypothesis was that long-term therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids for asthma has an imunosupressive side effect and that asthmatic children given long-term therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids suffer more frequent and more severe respiratory infections than children with asthma receiving no such medication. This one-year prospective study included 20 children with mild and moderate asthma, aged 7 years 0 months to 14 years 11 months (average 9 years, 4 months. There were 7 girls and 13 boys. The children were divided into two groups (n=10): one group receiving long-term therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids (fluticasone propionate) and another group given no such therapy. Because of moral, ethical and medical principles a non-random grouping of children was used in this study. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Izvleček     Izvleček. Astma je kronična vnetna bolezen dihal. Protivnetno zdravljenje z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi velja za najbolj učinkovito zdravljenje zmerne in hude kronične astme pri odraslih in otrocih. Edina omejitev za njihovo uporabo so stranski učinki. Z našo raziskavo smo poskusili ugotoviti, ali ima redno zdravljenje otrok z astmo z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi imunosupresivni stranski učinek. Ocenjevali smo pogostost in težo okužb dihal pri otrocih z astmo, ki se redno zdravijo z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi, v primerjavi z otroki z astmo, ki se z njimi ne zdravijo. Naša hipoteza je bila, da ima redno zdravljenje otrok z astmo z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi imunosupresivni stranski učinek. Otroci z astmo, ki se redno zdravijo z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi imajo pogostejše in težje okužbe dihal kot otroci z astmo, ki se z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi ne zdravijo redno. Raziskava je bila prospektivna in je trajala eno leto. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 20 otrok z blago in zmerno astmo, starih od 7 let 0 mesecev do 14 let 11 mesecev (povprečna starost 9 let 4 meseci), 7 deklic, 13 dečkov. Razporejeni so bili v dve skupini (n=10). Ena skupina je bila redno zdravljena z inhalacijskimi glukokortikosteroidi (flutikazon propionat), druga ne. Zaradi moralnih, etičnih in strokovnih načel preiskovancev nismo mogli uvrstiti v skupine naključno. Otroci so, ob pomoči staršev, v dnevnik beležili simptome okužbe dihal in astme ter merili naj- večjo hitrost pretoka zraka pri izdihu in telesno temperaturo. (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih.)
Deskriptorji     ASTHMA