Author/Editor     Kerč, Janez
Title     Procesi s taljenjem pri oblikovanju zdravil
Translated title     Hot-melt processes in pharmaceutical dosage form design
Type     članek
Source     In: Sodobni tehnološki pristopi k oblikovanju zdravil. Zbornik 8. posvetovanja Sekcije farmacevtskih tehnologov; 1996 jun 13; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Sekcija farmacevtskih tehnologov,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 43-50
Language     slo
Abstract     Solid dosage forms can be produced using different methods. Some of them are already well known and widely used, i.e. dry and wet granulation methods. Hot-melt method and its modifications present one of the newest methods in designing of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms. Lower energy consumption, safety, no solvent residues, and modified drug release are the advantages of this method. Solid dosage forms that can be obtained using hot-melt processes, i.e. granulations, tablets, capsules, pellets, microcapsules, and microspheres are reviewed in the article.
Descriptors     DRUG COMPOUNDING