Author/Editor     Rožič-Hristovski, Anamarija; Todorovski, Ljupčo; Hristovski, Dimitar
Title     Developing a medical library website at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Program-Autom Libr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 313-25
Language     eng
Abstract     This article describes the development of the Central Medical Library website at the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The aim of the website is to serve as a guide to the library resources and services. The website is built with a uniform graphic design and a menu driven structure. The structure partitions information space by providing meaningful subject categories that enable efficient exploring by browsing. Because the categories are limited in their granularity a search engine based on the Harvest system is included. An evaluation of website access was carned out by analysing and exploring the web server log files using data warehousing and OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) technology. Finally some possibilities for future development of the web- site are suggested.
Descriptors     LIBRARIES, MEDICAL