Author/Editor     Mlekuž, Saša; Kristl, Julijana
Title     Ogrodne tablete z zadržanim sproščanjem
Translated title     Sustained release matrix tablets
Type     članek
Source     In: Sodobni tehnološki pristopi k oblikovanju zdravil. Zbornik 8. posvetovanja Sekcije farmacevtskih tehnologov; 1996 jun 13; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Sekcija farmacevtskih tehnologov,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 95-107
Language     slo
Abstract     New possibilities arise with development of new materials and technological approaches for formation of drug delivery vehicles and carriers. The sustained release matrix tablets are one of the most recent drug forrmulations. We are developing such drug formulations to achieve better patient compliance and improvement of therapeutical effect with lower dose of individual drug substances, to reduce side effects, for predictability and repreatibility of release kinetics and similar. Biological and physiological-technological parameters of drugs and auxiliary substances influence the formation of sustained release tablets. Release from the matrix tablets is controlled by dissolution or diffusion, or the combination of both. Biodegradable polymers are very popular in matrix tablet formation. There are two factors which greatly influence the release rate from the matrix tablets (e.g. made of hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose): the rate of medium entering into the matrix for the high soluble drug substances and the rate of erosin of outer matrix layers for those with low solubility. The quantity of drug substance has an important role, too. Some mathematical models of the release rate control are presented. Development of new oral formulations is going in the direction of improved absorption by a prolonged sustained release in stomach or by promoters of penetration or sorption to increase the extent and rate motion of drug substance through the biological membranes.