Author/Editor     Šinigoj, Martin; Križan-Hergouth, Veronika
Title     Vnetja sečil in mikrobiološka diagnostika
Type     članek
Source     In: Dragaš AZ, Fišer J, Prinčič D, et al, editors. Zbornik strokovnega srečanja Mikrobiološka analiza kužnin; 1999 okt 22-23; Nova Gorica. Nova Gorica: Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 177-86
Language     slo
Abstract     Urinary tract infections are very common and serious health problem especially in women. This article discusses about the incidence, possible causes, the sort of agents, and the management of typical clinical form of urinary tract infections. Specimen collection and microscopic and microbiological analysis are very important part in the contest of evaluation of patients with urinary tract infections. To formulate recommendations for health care professionals about the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation it is also obvious to be aware of some possible pitfalls in diagnostic procedure.
Summary     Okužbe sečil so pomemben zdravstveni problem, ki pogosteje prizadenejo žensko populacijo. Prispevek pregledno obravnava pogostnost, možne vzroke okužb, vrste povzročiteljev in opredeljuje tipične klinične oblike okužb ter pristop v obravnavi bolnikov.V okviru celokupne obravnave okužb sečil je izpostavljen pomen mikroskopske in mikrobiološke preiskave urina, način in čas odvzema, način transporta materiala ter možne vzroke lažno pozitivnih in lažno negativnih rezultatov mikrobiološke analize.