Author/Editor     Travnik, Ludvik; Burnik, Stojan
Title     Funkcionalna anatomija stopal in športna obutev. 1.del. Razvojna in funkcionalna anatomija stopal
Translated title     Functional anatomy of the foot and sports footwear
Type     članek
Source     Šport
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 17-9
Language     slo
Abstract     It is known that 80 per cent of the people occasionally have foot problems which are three times more frequent with women than with men, the number of athlets, professional or pain and malformation of foot depends on numerous factors: the kind and indensity of physical activity, body weight, profession and last but not the least, the footwear. Even in normal every day life feet are burdened with the force of body weight, with the load being carried, and with forces originated with movement. An average man makes more rhan eight thousand steps every day. Each kilometre means 1100 steps. And in one's life more than 113 thousand kms are covered. Over 800 tons of load is being transfered through feet every day. All these loads are even larger with the athletes, therefore the amount of information and knowledge about functional anatomy of foot is of major importance for preventing injuries and degenerative changes of feet.
Descriptors     FOOT