Avtor/Urednik     Reven, Darja; Rener, Staša; Antonin, Adi; Fidler, Mateja; Ahčin, Brigita
Naslov     Tudi mi se radi igramo
Prevedeni naslov     We also love playing
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Vrečar I, editor. 8. strokovno posvetovanje slovenskih fizioterapevtov; 1999 sep 30-okt 2; Portorož. Ljubljana: Društvo fizioterapevtov Slovenije,
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 139-47
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In our article game and its value for a child' s developments is presented. For every child, either healthy or handicapped, playing is a pleasant job through which he/she acquires basic experiences. If the base of a child's experiences is bad or deficient, the child will hardly ever be able to learn to do any requiring activities. Here we present the therapeutic playing sessions, which take place a week. A physiotherapist and occupational therapists co-operate with a psychologist. Children with different diseases (handicaps) are included. Through our regular weekly meetings we learn about teamwork together with the children in the group. We observe the child' s functioning a whole in a spontaneous situation his/her cognitive, emotional, social, sensory and motorical responses. Playing is a strong motivation for a child. We do not disturb the child during the game (we only help or guide him/her, if necessary), just observe and analize the responses. In individual treatmens we try to achieve functioning of a higher quality. Thus, playing in one of the estimating and therapeutic modes. Together with the children we estimate the game and the mood before the end of such a playing therapeutic session. After the session therapists evaluate the child's responses from the motorical and pshychosocial view point.
Deskriptorji     CHILD DEVELOPMENT