Author/Editor     Nančovska, Irena; Todorovski, Ljupčo; Jeglič, Anton; Fefer, Dušan
Title     DC voltage prediction with equation discovery system and neural networks
Type     članek
Source     In: Bavec C, Gams M, Rajkovič V, et al, editors. Informacijska družba IS'99. Zbornik mednarodne multi-konference; 1999 okt 12-14; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Štefan,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 109-18
Language     eng
Abstract     The aim of the paper is to compare the predictive abilities of the novel method for time series prediction that is based on equation discovery with neural networks. Both methods are used for short-term (one-step ahead) prediction and have the ability to learn from examples. With purpose to validate the predictive models, they are applied to several data sets. The successful predictive models could be used for voltage monitoring in a high precision solid-state DC voltage reference source (DCVRS) without presence of a high level standard, and further for voltage correction as a segment in the software controlled voltage reference elements (VRE).