Author/Editor     Ješelnik, Alojzij
Title     Pomen združenja multiple skleroze Slovenije za osebe z multiplo sklerozo
Translated title     The importance of the Slovenian multiple sclerosis society for person with multiple sclerosis
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 9-10
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 419-21
Language     slo
Abstract     Introdudion: When multiple sclerosis is diagnosed in a person, he/she has besides health problems also a number of other difficulties, which have to be solved with the help of others in order to enable the quality health treatment psychophysics condition and a quality life. The Society has a very important role in achieving all that. The beginning and goals of the Society: The Society was established on the 6th May 1973 with the goal to help persons with MS in creating conditions which are indispensable for equal opportunities in life, to support medical research, to provide information about MS and treatments and to exchange help and support. Membership and structure of members: In Slovenia there are approximately 2000-2500 persons with a diagnosis of M5, the society has 1300 members, 30% of them are males and 70% females. Organisation, policy and programs of work: The Society associates persons with MS from all over Slovenia. It is divided in 1 S branch offces and it has the structure which is essential for such an organisation. The Society successfully performs these programs: program for qualification persons with MS for individual and independent life and work, program for reduction of psychosocial distress, program for solving the specific needs, help program for young persons with MS and program for sport adivities. The Society is lead fiom the establishment on by people with M5. When we compare our Society with other national Societies we are certain that we are more successful in lot of aspeds.
Summary     Uvod: Ko oseba zboli za multiplo sklerozo, ima poleg zdravstvenih težav še veliko drugih težav ki jih je treba pomagati reševati, da ji omogožimo kakovostno zdravljenje, psihofizično kondicijo in življenje. Pri tem ima združenje pomembno vlogo. Začetek in cilji združenja: Ustanovljeno je bilo 6. maja 1973 s ciljem pomagati osebam z MS soustvarjati pogoje za dosego enakih možnosti v življenju, podpirati medicinske raziskave zboljšati informiranost ter omogočiti medsebojno pomoč. Članstvo in struktura članstva: V Sloveniji je obolelih približno 2000 do 2500 oseb, v združenje je včlanjenih 1300, 30% je moških in 70% žensk. Organizacija, vodenje in programi dela: Združenje združuje osebe z MS iz vse Slovenije. Razdeljeno je na 15 podružnic in združenje ima vse potrebne organe za vodenje in vodstvo. Uspešno izvaja naslednje programe dela: program usposabljanja za samostojno in neodvisno življenje in delo, program odpravljanja psihosocialnih stisk, program pomoči pri zadovoljevanju specifičnih potreb program pomoči mlajšim osebam in program športnega delovanja. Od ustanovitve vodijo združenje osebe z multiplo sklerozo. Ko se primerjamo z enakimi društvi drugih držav ugotavljamo, da smo v mnogočem uspešnejši.