Author/Editor     Vene, Nina
Title     Funkcija levega preddvora
Translated title     Left atrial function
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 6
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 32-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Approximately 30% of filling of the left ventricle in healthy individuals depends on the contraction of the left atrium. In patients with left ventricular dysfunction, the contribution of the left atrium in the filling of the left ventricle is even greater. A rough estimation of left atrial function is possible using M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiography, but mitral valve flow velocity with Doppler echocardiography is used more often. A considerably more accurate assessment of the mechanical left atrial and function (the appendages being the sites of the formation of most thrombi) is possible by transesophageal echocardiography. The measurement of the left atrial and appendage function is particularly important in patients with atrial fibrillation and undulation. In these patients, reduced flow velocity and the development of a spontaneous contrast in the left atrium and appendage are associated with thrombus formation and the resulting thromboembolic complications. Identification of patients at a high risk of thromboembolic events is possible using transesophageal echocardiography which facilitates the decision for anticoagulant treatment. Echocardiography also allows easy monitoring of the resumed left atrial function after cardioversion by measurement of mitral flow velocity.
Summary     Krčenje levega preddvora, ki k polnitvi levega prekata v zdravem srcu prispeva 30 %, postane še pomembnejše pri bolnikih z moteno diastolno funkcijo levega prekata. Groba ocena funkcije levega preddvora je možna z M-mode in dvodimenzionalno ehokardiografijo, pogosteje pa za takšno oceno uporabljamo doplerske meritve hitrosti pretoka skozi mitralno zaklopko. Bistveno natančnejše meritve mehanske funkcije levega preddvora in avrikule, kjer najpogosteje nastanejo strdki, omogoča transezofagealna ehokardiografija. Ugotavljanje funkcije levega preddvora in avrikule je zlasti pomembno pri bolnikih z atrijsko fibrilacijo in undulacijo. Pri teh bolnikih sta namreč zmanjšana hitrost pretoka v levi avrikuli in razvoj spontanega kontrasta v preddvoru in avrikuli povezani z razvojem strdkov in posledičnimi trombemboličnimi zapleti. Bolnike z velikim tveganjem za nastanek trombembolizmov torej lahko spoznamo s transezofagealno ehokardiografijo, kar nam v nekaterih primerih olajšuje odločitev o antikoagulacijskem zdravljenju. Ehokardiografsko lahko spremljamo tudi ponovno vzpostavljanje funkcije levega preddvora po konverziji v sinusni ritem - z enostavnimi meritvami pretoka preko mitralne zaklopke.