Author/Editor     Grad, Anton
Title     Možnosti zdravljenja bolnika po možganski kapi v bolnišnici
Translated title     Posibilities of hospital treatment of patients surviving stroke
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 9-10
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 305-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Stroke is the consequence of cerebral cells lesions related to the impaired cerebral blood flow. It stands in the first place as disability cause and in the third place as the cause of death in developed world, and thus presents a paramount financial burden for the entire society Therapy is aimed towards: (1)restoring of blood flow with throm- bolysis which requests a prompt action within the therapeutic window of three hours, (2) protection of cells against ischemia, which is still in the experimental phase, (3) prevention of secondary reactions due to ischemia, also in the experimental phase, (4) prevention of recurrent stroke, (S) early rehabilitation and (6) social reintegration of the patient with stroke. Thus, an energetic and integral approach is necessary which can be managed by so called stroke units. In spite of causal treatment with thrombolysis, the prevention and treatment of complications should not be neglected as recent researches have proved the efficacy of symptomatic treatment in decreasing of disability and mortality. Prevention and treabnent of infections, deep venous thrombosis, rational therapy of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus are stressed.
Summary     Možganska kap je posledica okvare možganskih celic zaradi motenega možganskega krvnega pretoka. Je na prvem mestu kot vzrok invalidnosti in na tretjem kot vzrok smrti v razvitem svetu, predstavlja ogromno finančno obremenitev za celotno družbo. Zdravljenje je usmerjeno v (1) ponovno vzpostavitev krvnega obtoka s trombolizo, kar zahteva hitro ukrepanje znotraj terapevtskega okna treh ur, (2) zaščito celic pred ishemijo, kar je trenutno še v eksperimentalni fazi, (3) preprečevanje zaradi ishemije sproženih sekundarnih reakcij, kar je tudi še v eksperimentalni fazi, (4) preprečevanje ponovne kapi, (6) zgodnjo rehabilitacijo in (7) socialno reintegracijo holnika z možgansko kapjo. Potreben je torej energičen, celovit pristop, kar omogočajo t.i. enote za možgansko kap (stroke unitsn). Kljuh vzročnemu zdravljenju s trombolizo ne smemo zanemariti preprečevanja in zdravljenja zapletov, saj se je ravno to simptomatsko zdravljenje, v zadnjih raziskavah izkazalo kot učinkovito pri zmanjšanju invalidnosti in smrtnosti. Poudarek je na preprečevanju in zdravljenju okužb, globoke venske tromboze, racionalnem zdravljenju arterijske hipertenzije in sladkorne bolezni.