Author/Editor     Herlič, Majda; Vombergar, Blanka
Title     Uvajanje brezmesnih obrokov v organizirano prehrano delavcev v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor
Translated title     Providing meals without meat for the staff of the Maribor hospital
Type     članek
Source     In: Raspor P, Pitako D, Hočevar I, editors. Tehnologija - hrana - zdravje. Knjiga del 1. slovenski kongres o hrani in prehrani z mednarodno udeležbo. Vol 1. Vol 2; 1996 apr 21-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo živilskih in prehranskih strokovnih delavcev Slovenije,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 359-66
Language     slo
Abstract     According to the contemporary trends of a healthy nutrition, less meat is recommended in our everyday meals, this is consuming meat a couple of times a week, but not every day. Request for meals without meat had been expressed by the stuff of the Maribor Hospital, and we followed them. It wasn't our aim to introduce vegetarian food, but we only wanted to offer a meal without meat. There are 1300 employees who regular take meals; between 450 and 700 of them in the morning shift: Meatless rations are raised as an alternative choice to meat containing rations in forenoon short meal. Decisions to order meatless meal were made by people who usually don't eat meat (A), by those who wanted to follow this new trend of eating "less meat" (B), and by those who joined in out of curiosity (C). The research went on for 6 months, whereby between 5 and 11 % of the staff decided to order a meatless meal. The results were as follows: people insisting on vegetarian food remained true to their principles, the number of people in group B varied and occasionally dropped, and those from group C mainly gave up. It may be stated that the usual eating habits are still the most important for people. Moreover, their knowledge of nutrition is not satisfactory. The authors of this survey believe that the number of people who have chosen meals without meat is remarkable.
Descriptors     NUTRITION