Author/Editor     Filipič, Metka
Title     Mutageni v živilih
Translated title     Food mutagens
Type     članek
Source     In: Raspor P, Pitako D, Hočevar I, editors. Tehnologija - hrana - zdravje. Knjiga del 1. slovenski kongres o hrani in prehrani z mednarodno udeležbo. Vol 1. Vol 2; 1996 apr 21-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo živilskih in prehranskih strokovnih delavcev Slovenije,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 862-9
Language     slo
Abstract     People are exposed to chemicals in many ways in the world around them, in the work place, by deliberate exposure to specific chemicals or chemical-producing activities, and in the foods they eat. Among the efforts to identify toxins to which humans are exposed, or likely to be exposed, the endpoint that has drawn most concern in recent years was carcinogenicity. There are a number of reasons for this concern, including various estimations that diet has a major influence on the levels and types of cancer in humans. This conclusion addresses not only food composition, but food preparation and eating habits, as well. Carcinogenicty induced by chemicals in humans is determined by epidemiology studies, which are expensive, long-term and of low statistical power. Carcinogenicity tests in other aninial spcies are also very expensive and their relevance to the potential human response to chemical is not always clear. Mutagenicity tests have been used during the past 20 years as predictors of the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. The best evaluated mutagenicity test is so far Salmonella/microsomme test. It has several advantages as high positive predictability (89 %), low cost, ease of performance, and a mechanistic relationship to the endpoint of concern-cancer. Major sources and groups of food mutagens will be presented including natural plant and animal components, sevaral natural and human-added contaminants, chemicals added during processing and chemicals formed during processing. Special attention will be addressed to modifications of certain technological processes with the aim to reduce the concentration of mutagens in the final product.