Author/Editor     Gjura, Aleksandra
Title     Pomen aktivnosti: za kvalitetnejšo življenje dementnih bolnikov
Translated title     The meaning of activity: for quality life of people with dementia
Type     članek
Source     In: Delovna terapija na pragu novega tisočletja. 10. letni posvet delovnoh terapevtov Slovenije; 1999 nov 24-26; Maribor. Ljubljana: Zbornica delovnih terapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 63-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Occupational therapist are especially well qualified to use occupation as activity for treatment process of a person with dementia. This study will address the care needs of people who are in middle stage of their illness. The purpose of this study are that we understand the theory of the relationship between occupation and health. The indicators of relative well - being in the clients are behaviors the reflect their personhood, such as humor, helpfulness, initiative and social contact.
Summary     Delovni terapevti smo dovolj usposobljeni, da lahko zaposlitev kot aktivnost dementnih bolnikov uporabimo v terapevtske namene. Referat se navezuje na bolnike, ki so v srednjem obdobju demence. Namen članka je razumeti teorijo o povezanosti med zaposlitvijo in zdravjem. Vedenje dementnih bolnikov je znak njihovega počutja, ki je odraz njihove osebnosti, kot je smisel za humor, občutek, koristnost, iniciativnost in družabnost.
Descriptors     QUALITY OF LIFE