Author/Editor     Marn-Vukadinivić, Duša
Title     Utjecaj oslabjelosti potkoljeničnih mišića na hod i uporabu udlage za gležanj i stopalo
Type     monografija
Place     Zagreb
Publisher     Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Medicinski fakultet
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 92
Language     cro
Abstract     21 patients who had been referred to primary rehabilitation following one-side peripheral neurological lesion with peroneal paresis were included in the investigation. The goal was to determine the relations between muscle strength, changes of gait and regular use of an ancle foot orthosis. The isokinetic torques of dosal and plantar flexors of ancles were twice measured, the kinetic charasteristics of gait with and without orthosis were analised and the relationship with a regular wearing of orthosis was determined. Muscle strength was assessed through a manual muscle test too. During the first dynamometry all patients required their ancle foot orthosis. At the time of the second measurement orthosis was used only by some of them with grade 3 or less for the tibialis anterior muscle (the users). Acccording to this criterion it would be required for some other patients with weak dorsal flexors (the weak nonusers). The relationship between the extent of the lesion of dorsal flexors and regilar using of the orthosis was testet by variance analysis within these two groups witch showed no difference in the dynamometric evalulation of dorsal flexors. The orthosis eliminated disoders of gait such asymmetry, drop-foot and inappropriate heel-on. On the odher hand however all patients with a peripheral peroneal paresis walk more slowely than normal do. The orthosis makes their gait even slower irrespective of the strength of dorsal flexors. The correlation between dynamometric parameters and parameters of gait shows that greater strength of dorsal flexors is moderatedly associated with improvernent of drop-foot, reduced compensarory flexion in the hip and improved symmetry of steps. The users and the weak nonusers differed from one another in parameters of gait without the orthosis such as the symmetry of steps and the foot-on. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Descriptors     PARESIS