Author/Editor     Seljak, Gabrijel; Petrovič, Nataša
Title     Diffusione e stato della ricerca delle malattie da fitoplasmi in Slovenia
Translated title     The presence of phytoplasma diseases in Slovenia and the situation of the research
Type     članek
Source     In: ATTI. Incontro nazionale sulle malattie da fitoplasmi stato attuale delle conoscenze; 1999 Set 21-22; Udine. Udine: Societa Italiana di patologia vegetale,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 55-64
Language     ita
Abstract     The results of the previous research of the phytoplasma diseases indicate that their phytopatological and economic impact in Slovenia is increasing. The presence of the following phytoplasma diseases on woody plants have been confirmed in Slovenia: grapevine yellows, European stone fruit disease, pear decline, and apple proliferation disease. Grapevine yellows are present mainly in the grapevine growing areas of West and South Weast of Slovenia. However, the grapevine yellows have been reported to be present also in some parts of East and South of Slovenia. In all these regions, onljy the presence of the Stolbur type of grapevine yellows phytoplasma was confirmed by laboratory testing, indicating the presence of the Bois noir type of phytoplasma (BN). Interestingly, the occurence of the vineyards of the West and South West of Slovenia. On the other hand, the vector of the BN type of grapevine yellows phytoplasma (Hyalesthes obsoletus) was recorded only on plants outside the vineyard and so far not inside the vineyards in West Slovenia. European stone fruit yellows is a new disease in Slovenia, which was first recorded in the year 1989 in the Western and south-westeren parts of Slovenia on peaches, apricots and plums of a Chinese-Japanese origin. However, the European stone fruit disease was observed to be constantly progressing. Although the apple proliferation disease is common in Slovenia, it's presence is estimated to remain as low as about 3% of the trees. Very little is known of the presence of a pear decline disease in Slovenia. Although the occurence of the possible vectors of the pear decline disease in Slovenia is established, very little is known of the extent of their actual presence.
Descriptors     PLANT DISEASES