Avtor/Urednik     Jogan, Nejc; Bačič, Tinka; Vreš, Branko
Naslov     Prispevek k spoznavanju flore okolice Ormoža (vzhodna Slovenija)
Tip     članek
Vir     Natura Sloveniae
Vol. in št.     Letnik 1, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 5-28
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     A contribution to the knowledge of flora in the vicinity of Ormož (Eastern Slovenia) - during the Student research camp Središče ob Dravi '97, the floristical group was mapping vascular plants in 5 quadrants of the MTB grid (240-250) species recorded per quadrant). Some of the most interserting records of plants are presented in the paper: Oenothera pynocarpa and Callitriche cophocarpa have not been recorded in Slovenia before. In addition, we found several potentially naturalized plant species (Acer negundo, Calendula officianlis, Epilobium adenocaulon and Pinus strobus), new species for the subpannonian part of Slovenia and species with imperfectly known area of distribution. We have also confirmed occurrence of several rare or endangered plant species and some of the discussed species are proposed for inclusion in the red data list (Apium repens - E, Carex strigosa - R, Centunculus minimus - E, Lythrum hyssopifolia - E, Potentilla supina - R, Rumex aquaticus - V).
Izvleček     Na Raziskovalnem taboru študentov biologije (RTŠB) Središče ob Dravi '97 je floristična skupna kartirala floror v 5 kvadrantih MTB (240-450 vrst v vsakem). Nekatere zanimivejše najdbe so predstavljene v tem prispevku: Oenothera pycnocarpa in Callitriche cophocarpa sta novi vrsti za floro Slovenije. Poleg tega smo odkrili številne potencialno naturalizirane vrste (Acer negundo, Calendula officinalis, Epilobium adenocaulon in Pinus strobus), nove vrste za subpanonsko območje Slovenije in vsrte z nejasno razširjenostjo v Sloveniji. Potrdili smo pojavljanje nekaterih redkih ali ogroženih vrst in nekatere od obravnavanih vrst predlagali za vključitev v Rdeči seznam (Apium repens - E, Carex strigosa - R, Centunculus minimus - R, Lythrum hyssopifolia - E, Potentilla supina - R, Rumex aquaticus - V).
Deskriptorji     PLANTS