Avtor/Urednik     Lainščak, Mitja
Naslov     Primerjava dveh napitkov ob teku na dolge proge
Prevedeni naslov     Comparison of two isotonic beverages drunk during a long-distance run
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 38, št. 4
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 501-19
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Drinking adequate amounts of fluid of appropriate compositon during exercise can partly normalize abnormalities in homeostasis of body fluids and improve physical performance. The objective of this prospective comparative study was to test the effects of isotonic beverage (Izomaratonik, Krka) and water drunk during an 18 km run. Isotonic beverage supplements fluid lost during long distance running more adequately than water. Subjects ran 18 km in each of two consecutive trials. They drank 700 ml of water in the first trial and the same amount of isotonic beverage in the second. Before and after the run we measured their weight, blood pressure both in the sitting and supine position, and took the blood and urine samples. The study involved 11 men and one woman, all heallhy and well trained long-distance runners, with a mean age of 34.9 +- 9.1 (SD) years, mean body height of 173.5+-7.2 (SD) cm and mean body mass of 73.0+- 9.8 (SD) kg. No differences were found between the two beverages concerning their effects on the performance and general feeling of the runners. The subjects, however, reported better tolerance for the isotonic beverage; the difference being not significant. The decrease in the systolic blood presure, both in the supine and sitting position, was significantly greater during the water trial. The increase in serum concentrations of sodium and chloride was significantly lesser during the isotonic beverage trial. In conclusion, ingestion of the tested isotonic beverage stabilized blood pressure and minimized changes occurring in plasma and urine of the long-distance runners.
Izvleček     Pitje tekočine ustrezne prostornine in sestave med naporom delno popravlja nenormalnosti v ravnovesju telesnih tekočin in tako izboljšuje človekovo fizično zmogljivost. V prospektivni primerjalni raziskavi na 12 zdravih treniranih tekačih na dolge proge smo ob teku na 18 km preizkušali učinke pitja izotoničnega napitka (Izomaratonik, Krka) v primerjavi z vodo, obakrat ob enaki shemi pitja. Pitje imtoničnega napitka ustrezneje nadomešča izgubljeno tekočino ob teku na dolge proge kot pitje vode. Preiskovanci so v dveh zaporednih poskusih pretekli po 18 km in med vsakim poskusom popili 700 ml tekočine, prvič vode in drugič izotoničnega napitka. Pred tekom in po njem smo jih stehtali, jim izmerili krvni tlak leže in sede ter odvzeli vzorce krvi in seča. Povprečna starost preiskovancev (11 moških in 1 ženska) je bila 34,9+-9,1 (povprečna vrednost +- standardna deviacija) let, povprečna telesna višina 173,5 +- 7,2 cm in povprečna telesna masa 73,0 +- 9,8 kg. Med poskusoma ni bilo razlik v počutju in zmogljivosti preiskovancev, so pa preiskovanci bolje, čeprav ne značilno, prenašali izotonični napitek. Značilno bolj se je znižal sistolični krvni tlak, tako leže kot sede, pri pitju vode. Serumski koncentraciji natrijevega in kloridnega iona sta se značilno manj povečali pri pitju izotoničnega napitka. Pitje izotoničnega napitka je v primerjavi s pitjem vode uravnovesilo krvni tlak in ublažilo spremembe v sestavi plazme in urina.
Deskriptorji     RUNNING