Author/Editor     Zadnik, Vesna
Title     Preživetje bolnic z rakom jajčnikov
Translated title     Survival of patient with ovarian cancer
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 521-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Data from 282 patients who were first treated tor epithelial ovarian malignoma at the Institute of Oncology and Gynecological clinic in Ljubljana between 1990 and 1992 were analysed retrospectively. The patients were followed through 1997. The survival rates were determined by Kaplan-Meier method. For establishment of hazard ratios Cox analysis used. The five-year survival rates for diferent factors are as follows: 74% for borderline and 38 for patierns with carcinoma; by stage (I-IV) 88, 48, 26 and 12 %; by cancer grades (1-3) 69, 49, 26% respectively. Concerning age 50 older patients survive five years in 31%, but younger in 61 %. The group with the diameter of residual implants after surgery smaller then 1 cm has 73% five- year survival, but the other group 18%. After multivariate analysis the prognostic factors which were still significant are: stage, age higher then 50, the diameter of residual implants after first surgery greater than 1 cm, and type of primary treatment for the whole cohort and the one of higher stages (III and IV). The type of primary treatment was not significant for the group with the lower stages (I and II) of cancer. An understanding of the influence of these prognostic factors on the survival rate in epithelial ovarian malignoma offers the opportunity to survey the situation in Slovenia and to compare our cohort with those in cancer centres throughout the world.
Summary     V retrospektivni študiji smo analizirali podatke o 282 bolnicah, ki so bile med letoma 1990 in 1992 primarno zdravljene zaradi epitelijskega ovarijskega malignoma na Onkološkem inštitutu in Ginekološki kliniki v LjubIjani. Vse smo sledili do leta 1997. Preživetja smo računali s Kaplan-Meierjevo metodo, relativna tveganja pa s Coxovim regresijskim modelom. Petletna preživetja glede na različne napovedne dejavnike so naslednja: pri mejno malignih tumorjih 74 pri karcinomih 38 %; po stadijih (HV): 88, 48, 26 in 12 %; po stopnji diferenciacije (1-3) 69, 49 26%; pri mlajših od 50 let 61, pri starejših 31 %. Bolnice z ostankom tumorja, ki je bil po operaciji manjši od 1 cm, preživijo prvih pet let v 73 %, ostale pa v 18 %. Če prilagodimo napovedne dejavnike med seboj, imajo v celotnem vzorcu in v skupini z višjimi stadiji (III in IV) še vedno značilen vpliv na preživetje: stadij starost nad 50 let, vrsta primarnega zdravljenja in velikost ostanka po operaciji. Za skupino z nižjimi stadiji (I in II) pa vrsta primarnega zdravljenja nima značilnega pomena. Poznavanje vpliva napovednih dejavnikov na preživetje z epitelijskim rakom jajčnika omogoča pregled nad stanjem pri nas in primerjavo z drugimi centri po svetu.