Author/Editor     Šorli, Jurij
Title     Zagotavljanje kakovosti pri obravnavi okužb na dihalih
Translated title     Quality assurance in the treatment of respiratory tract infections
Type     članek
Source     Krka Med Farm Supl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 20, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 5-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Lower respiratory tract infections are among the commonest acute diseases of our time. The mode, the extent and the duration of treatment of patients with lower respiratory tract infections have a conisiderable impact on the patients well-being as well as on the use of health care resources and hence on the national economy. To ensure the best quality of treatment, appropriately structured national guidelines should be adopted. These national guidelines should define the extent and made of the diagnostic procedure, the selection and mode of the diagnostic procedure, the selection and mode of (antibiotic) treatment and expected outcomes. The guidelines should be updated in regular intervals. Evidence-based medicine, patient-oriented decisions and the availability of health care resources should be considered when shaping individual parts of the guidelines.
Summary     Okužbe na spodnjih dihalih spadajo med najpogostejše akutne bolezni našega časa. Način, obseg in trajanje medicinske obravnave bolnika s tako boleznijo pomembno vplivajo na bolnikovo počutje, obseg rabe virov in s tem na nacionalno ekonomijo. Da bi zagotovili največjo možno kakovost obravnave bolnikov z okužbo na spodnjih dihalih, je pomembno oblikovati strukturirane nacionalne smernice. V teh smernicah, ki jih je treba redno obnavljati, je treba opredeliti obseg in način diagnostične obravnave, izbiro in modalitete zdravljenja (z antibiotiki) ter določiti pričakovane izide. Pri tem je treba,upoštevati najnovejša, z dokazi podprta dognanja v medicini, stališča bolnika in možnosti nacionalne ekonomije.