Avtor/Urednik     Podgornik, Samo; Mavri, Urška; Sivec, Ignac
Naslov     Stonefly fauna (Insecta, Plecoptera) of the Lipica valley, NW Slovenia
Prevedeni naslov     Vrbnice (Insecta, Plecoptera) Lipniške doline
Tip     članek
Vir     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. in št.     Letnik 42, št. 3
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 31-41
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The species presence, distribution, and flight periods of adult stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna in the Lipnica Valley were investigated. Samples were collected every week with net and handpicking from March 1997 to August 1998. The study area and the main morphological, physical, and chemical parameters of the stream basin were examined. More than one third of about 100 Plecoptera species known in Slovenia were present in the investigated area. The species diversity in the upper parts and headwaters of the Lipnica stream was greater than in the tributaries and lower parts of the stream. Individuals of the same species emerged later in the headwaters than in the middle and lower parts of the Lipnica stream basin.
Izvleček     V Lipniški dolini smo preučevali vrstni sestav, obdobje letanja ter razširjenost odraslih osebkov posameznih vrst vrbnic. Vzorčenje je potekalo tedensko od marca 1997 do avgusta 1998, s pomočjo metuljnice in nabiranja z roko. Predstavili smo glavne morfološke, fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti celotnega porečja. Na preiskanem območju smo ugotovili prisotnost več kot tretjine od približno 100 v Sloveniji poznanih vrst vrbnic. Fauna vrbnic v zgornjem in izvirnem delu potoka je bila pestrejša od tiste v pritokih in v spodnjem delu Lipnice. Odrasli osebki nekaterih vrst so v izvirnem delu izletavali kasneje kot v srednjem in spodnjem delu porečja.
Deskriptorji     INSECTS